The Nurses' Fund...
DSI's Community Outreach
DSI’s Wellness Product Sales to Benefit America's Nurses
DSI appreciates nurses and the servant's hearts they bring to the frontline of care and service for all who need them. That is why we have built into our business plan our support for our Virginia nurses from Augusta, Rockbridge and Rockingham Counties in need of financial assistance due to catastrophic illness. We are starting locally in the communities where we live and work to help our
nurses in need and will expand nationally as demands increase. As DSI grows, so will the Nurses Fund.
Once our wellness products are available for purchase, customers will be able to designate a portion of their purchase amounts (5.25%) to the DSI Nurses Appreciation Fund. These donations from DSI product sales will give a hand up to our frontline wellness defenders - our NURSES – when catastrophic illnesses strike and ravage their finances, in addition to their health.